Thursday, October 6, 2011

Back to School

After searching job websites for a couple of months I concluded that my skills were more suited to Baltimore than to Sarasota and that no matter how long I looked the outcome would be the same. What this job search did net me was knowing what employers are looking for here. I did some research and have decided to go back to school and learn medical insurance billing and coding. This is a one year program and when I was signing the oodles of enrollment paperwork I had to tamp down the panic of commitment. I aced the assessment tests and had orientation this afternoon. 

I also am required to wear color coded for medical.  I tried them on today as they need to be special ordered to have the school's emblem embroidered on them.  They are mostly made of polyester which increases the sweat factor.  Since this is the only drawback I shouldn't complain.

Once I graduate, I have to work one full year in the field before I am allowed to test for certification.

Now that I am past the panic stage, I am settling down to quiet excitement. This is where I am right now and this is what I have to do.  As I continue to turn the pages in my book, I am happy.  I am happy.

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