Tuesday, August 14, 2012


I went bowling this past Sunday with some very special people. It had been a very long time (Ummm.....probably close to 30 years???) since I last laced up a pair of rental shoes. They were iridescent green and orange. Pretty, in fact, and so unlike the ones I remember. They also fit reasonably well. Again, very much unlike the ones I remember. As it turns out, that isn't the only thing that has changed about bowling.

I remember red vinyl covered tubular bumpers that were placed in the gutters to help novice bowlers feel better about their yet unrealised mastery of the game. Now there is a fence-like structure that pops up from the floor on each side of the alley. An ill aimed ball will bounce from side to side as it hits the metal fence and careen wildly down the alley, depending upon the force of the throw, and I do mean throw, of the bowling ball. These fences not only keep the ball out of the gutter but also act as a pinball machine directing it towards the pins. Our vinyl tubes didn't do that.

My fraternal grandmother, Nana Anna, loved bowling so much she belonged to a league. She took me out one afternoon, just her and me, to teach me how to bowl. Allow me to rephrase. She tried to teach me how to bowl. As you take three steps forward you swing the ball back and then forward while keeping your eyes on the arrows on the floor your wrist straight bending at your knees at the last step with perfect timing as you let go of the ball as your back leg shoots out helping with balance and aim.

Nana Anna was very patient with me up until the point where she could see that there weren't any words of advice that could help me to not twist my wrist at the last second sending the ball on a crooked journey. I think that is the only time my much beloved grandmother gave up on my success. I think she figured it wasn't worth the worry and concentration on my part so why keep pressing?
I thought a lot about Nana while I was bowling. My heart still misses her. On the other hand my heart was also made happy by the fun I had with Jim, Jaime, Sierra, and Jax.

Lastly, my left butt cheek is in pain! I thought I would be feeling it in my right arm not my butt! I am not looking forward to what it will be like in the morning. I'll take it, though, as I wouldn't want to give up the fun I had today.

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