Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Car Accident - The Beginning

I am different now.  I'm not who I used to be.  On December 14, 2014, I was the 4th car to be hit in a domino of rear end collisions. When everyone else was standing outside their cars on their cell phones calling for help, I was sitting in mine. I had a closed head injury and had lost consciousness.

I have been released to write about this since my lawsuit is closed.  I have waited a long time to get this experience out of me and written for you.  I hope you enjoy the trip I want to take you on.

I was stopped in traffic when hit. The impact caused my brain to be knocked against the inside of my skull. My frontal lobes and right side of my brain were injured. The front part of the brain is the part that is involved in planning, organizing, problem solving, selective attention, personality and a variety of "higher cognitive functions" including behavior and emotions. While I have healed quite a bit, it has been well over a year and I think who I am at this time is who I will be forever.

I now have ADD and it is hard to concentrate. I still experience memory issues but certainly not as bad as it was for me initially. If I want to remember something, I have to write it down. It is commonplace for people to inform me of discussions or decisions that have taken place and I can't remember them.

Writing is harder for me. I am finally writing the book some of you have asked me to do!  But it is difficult now and sometimes I get frustrated with myself. The people in my writers' group have been invaluable to me and keep me forging ahead even when it is like walking through knee high snow drifts.

I am also less emotional than I used to be. In future posts I will go into a lot of detail about this. It was the hardest change to get used to as the memory of who I used to be faded.

Lets get cozy around the fire pit and I'll tell you my story. I love the sounds of the snaps and crackles.