Saturday, February 25, 2017

Cops without Badges

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I was 16 years old when the movie, "All The President's Men" was released in theatres. My adolescent brain battled between drooling over Robert Redford and following the story line. Even so, I got the gist of moral lessons.

Lessons from Doing Wrong

  • Presidents are not infallible.
  • Presidents are just like me in that they have issues and an Achilles' heel.
  • Lying, paranoia, and all around doing the wrong thing will eventually catch up with a person.

 Lessons from Doing Right

  • Believe in yourself even when others don't believe in you.
  • Persist in your mission through the tough times.
  • Eventually the truth will win
There is one more lesson I learned. The movie drove home how important the role of the press is. They are the cops without the badge. The reporters that seek the truth and possess a moral obligation to their countrymen, they are the ones that make sure that power is kept in check.

It is believed Napoleon said, "Four hostile newspapers are more to be feared than 1,000 bayonets."

That fact that Trump is aggressively pursuing the press like a hyena hunts down an antelope is extremely disturbing. The press is not the enemy of the people. They are our powerful ally in times of trouble. They take down the giant with their weapons of words and truth. That's why Trump is so afraid of them and disparaging them. 

Trump is the man behind the curtain and the press is Toto, scrappy and unafraid to disclose the truth. 

Friday, February 17, 2017

Strength's Misconception

Batman stands at the top of my cubicle at work. When I become overwhelmed and don't know what to do next, I look at him and think, "It's simple. You can overcome whatever is happening. You are strong." I become calm and with a clearer head I go back to work.

He watches over me and is always there. Batman is my reminder that I can do what I must and even more. It doesn't bother me that you may think I am strange to have Batman as my focal point for times of stress because number 1, I don't care, and number 2, it works for me. His strength becomes my strength.

Lolly, my little rescue, looks for strength from Poppy. When I leave for work in the morning she gets very sad so she sits as closely to him as possible while she watches me walk out the door. Lolly has finally stopped chasing the cats and they have stopped hissing at her. She still has emotional wounds that have to heal but she is making headway. Bad memories are being replaced with happy ones.

We are but a wisp of smoke in time. Our bodies keep us pinned to the earth. Our souls look out from inside. We are not made to be totally alone. It goes against the rules of life. We need to understand others and be understood. We need strength so that we stay alive, loving and growing.

It is okay to need someone. It is okay to be needed. A bridge is crossed one footstep at a time but not necessarily alone.