Friday, November 10, 2017

The 5th Dimension and Beyond

I've been trying to understand what the 5th dimension is all about. No, not the music group. I'm talking science, specifically physics. Below is the most understandable explanation I have found so far. This is a quote from Utsav Deep, a Software Engineer that lives in India.:

Let me explain it.
Everyone is familiar with the 3 dimensions: length, width and height. Time is the 4th dimension. To explain something that happened, you must answer where it happened (the location in 3D space) and when it happened (the instant of time). At every point of time we make one decision and move forward in that direction in 4D space-time.
However, we could have made some other decision or some other possible events could have happened then we would have taken another branch in time. This is the 5th dimension. In other words, 5th dimension contains all possible set of events that can happen as a result of some other particular event or decision. But note, 5th dimension must honor causality, ie, there must be a cause of an event.

He also explains the 6th Dimension:

 If you want to understand still higher dimensions you can proceed further.
In 5th dimension, there must be a cause of an event. But to make something happen without any cause, we need another degree of freedom which is in 6th dimension. To understand it, consider 2 distant points, A and B, on a sheet of paper. To reach point B from A, you can draw any line or curve joining these points and follow that path. You select 1 path (4D) out of many possible paths (5D) to reach point B from A. But till 5D you can’t reach B from A without going through any of the possible paths. But if you are allowed to fold the paper (6D) you can make points A and B coincide and you will be simultaneously at point A and B ! So in 6th dimension it is possible that both humans and dinosaurs existing at the same time.

String Theory proposes 10 dimensions. Mind blowing, right? Possible? Yes. There is so much we cannot see but that doesn't make it less real than this keyboard I am touching as I am typing. I just can't see it.

If you are still hanging with me, click on the link of the Carl Sagan video for a further explanation of why we cannot see things that, in theory, that exist.

These are the things I have been ruminating about.

Since time is relative and we cannot see it in its entirety, like Sagan's apple only one slice at a time, it limits our perspective. But, if you live in the now, you relate to time differently. It is not so much a continuum but more like a state of being. Some define this way of thinking as Mindfulness, a therapeutic technique that uses being in the present as a way to handle life and oneself. However we choose to define it, essentially it is living each moment as NOW. This changes one's perspective and opens one up to other possibilities in life.

As someone that "sees" people that have passed and I having the gift of "knowing" things, I believe that there is at least one other plain of existence.

What is reality? Let's ask, what is reality to an ant? Not the same as our reality. It depends on perspective. How many times have you experienced something and thought one way about it and years later think about it again and realize you now believe differently about it? The sequence of events haven't changed. They are still the same. Your perspective is different.

I am open to possibilities. Are you?

Friday, November 3, 2017


I have worked so hard and traveled so far. Sometimes I am so weary from making the effort. Taken for granted, pushed aside for the fake beauty of broken glass that sparks in the sunshine. I have been asked to forgive, to forget. I have been asked to swallow my pride and my feelings, choking on them as they went down. Then, throwing them back up because they refused to be ignored.

I've gotten caked with dirt while learning to love myself as I wrestled with the past, a formidable opponent.

I've made my way over, under, or through the obstacles in my path. Bad relationships, family sadness, cancer, less than stellar work environments, car accidents, and financial woes. I have also basked in the sunshine when the days are warm and bright.

I have found love, and lost it.

When you are down, please keep moving. Even if all you are capable of is grasping for a handhold, then do it. If all you can do is breath, then find peace that you are still alive. The sun rises and day transforms to night. It is how it works here. Do what you can, accept yourself. It is okay to feel fragile because you are also strong.

The trick in all of this is to know the wind comes. Bend, move with it. You will continue if you are malleable.

adjective: malleable

(of a metal or other material) able to be hammered or pressed permanently out of shape without breaking or cracking.


Sometimes it hurts to be the metal in the forger's fire but, in the end, you become even more beautiful.