Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Mr Ed

I am an early riser. Always have been. Getting up early allows me time to eat a quick breakfast before running out the door to go to work. One morning not more than a month ago I was watching the early news and decided it was #1 - depressing and #2 - boring. I started channel surfing and found "Mr. Ed". I had shadowy memories of watching it when I was little and so I pushed the button on the remote. 
Very rarely do I get to see a whole show.  Most of the time I don't sit my butt in front of the TV until the final 15 minutes.  I like it!  From what I've seen so far, most of the story lines are pure eye-rolling silliness but the jokes aren't half bad and I find myself laughing at the them. Imagine playing Wilbur, the straight man to Mr. Ed's funny lines.  

There is a naivete and simplicity that is endearing.  Each show seems to have at least one joke about being married and surprisingly conservation is a common thread, too.  The show aired from 1961 to 1966.  One wouldn't expect gas usage in our vehicles to be a topic, but it was. 

It is silly humor that is part of the start of my weekdays.  That's much better than the news....at least it is for me.

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