Tuesday, December 20, 2016

For the Love of a Dog

I woke up at 2 o'clock this morning because I had to pee. Having done that, I got back into bed. As it goes at times, my mind starting obsessing, racing, non-stop. Now I was tossing and turning. 

Poppy, my Chihuahua, sleeps in bed with me. Because he likes to nestle under the covers and always be touching me, when I move, he moves. Half the time I end up at the edge of the bed with him up against me.

There I was, probably a half an hour into being unable to quiet my mind and get back to sleep, when I feel him giving me dog kisses on my back. I reached behind me and scratched his little neck just for a couple of seconds. He kissed me again. I scratch him again, and so forth. I finally turned over and gently moved him into my arms. Talking quietly to him, I told him how much I love him.

This little bundle, in the middle of the night when I know I am disturbing his sleep, gave me love. While I held and petted him, I talked about what was on my mind. It wasn't for a long time, just a few minutes. Feeling better, I quieted my mind using the tools that always work. All I have to do right now is sleep. I started to meditate and was soon asleep.

Don't ever underestimate the love of a dog. It is so simple and uncomplicated. There are no machinations. Just love.

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