Saturday, June 2, 2018

It Has Been Awhile

It has been awhile since I last wrote you. I have thought about you; I have missed you. So, I am reaching back out to you.

Remember I talked about my neighborhood and the homeless guy that created a life in the carport of the house next door? That house is now being renovated and he had to go. I still see him walking up and down my street with his cart full of recycling so he still lives somewhere close by.

Lolly is sitting on my lap as I write this. She now comes to me for affection and doesn't growl in response to kisses on her head. She continues to heal from the wounds caused by her abusive past but has made tremendous headway.

Chihuahuas are the only dogs with the ability to make tears. Poppy has never done it but Lolly, even being part Jack Russell, does. The darker spots under her eyes is because her fur is wet from them. She will look at me with love and tear up!

I have been on a dating website for a couple of weeks now. It's been interesting! Fun, too. I give it a thumbs up. The trick is to be happy first so that anything else that comes along is icing on the cake.

Work has been fantastic, as always. No job is perfect but mine is pretty damn close to it! I can thank the people I work with for that. We are a healthy growing organization and I am proud to be a part of it.

It rained for a solid 2 weeks. We finally saw the sun again a couple of days ago. Instead of feeling depressed by it, I got anxious and wired. It is good to see the sky blue again.

For those that have read my posts about my mother, she's hanging in there! At 83 she is still in her home and driving. My younger sister and I tag team making sure one of us has either spoken to her or seen her that day. 

I've talked about everything but my health so here it goes. You know I have had thyroid cancer and then a closed head injury. I recovered from both so now there is something new. I have seen 5 health professionals about it, so far. Hopefully I am closer to an answer than before. I have one more that I am awaiting an appointment to be made and that is with an infectious disease doctor. At this point, I have had to talk about it so much that I am sick of talking about it. I'll just say that my symptoms of lower back pain and cyclical low grade fevers has been going on since last September. Aspirin is the only thing that has been taking the edge off. Some days are more difficult to function than others, but can't we all say that?

You are basically caught up now. Wait! One more thing. This year is my 40th High School reunion. I am not going to attend. It really wasn't the best time in my life so why experience it all over again? Some classmates are very excited about it but then again they still call each other by the nicknames they gave each other in High School.

Ok. Now you are caught up. Well, I do want to say one more thing. I am happy. The world is turning to shit because of our asinine president and my health is in question, but I am happy. Content. You know who I can thank for that? Jim. He taught me the principles of how to do that. I put them into practice.

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