Sunday, October 12, 2014

I Told You So

Taking out my compact, I powder my nose.  With a click it is closed and I toss it back in my purse. I hear metal on metal.  Panicking, I remember the safety is engaged.

It's time to leave.  The blood stains in my cuticles don't bother me.  It is the bloody tear in my heart that hurts.

I told him if he ever cheated on me he would be sorry.  When he laughed at me I should have known he didn't believe my threat.  Not his fault.  I did say it with a smile on my face.

If anyone asks tonight I'll tell them it's red paint.  No one will, though.  An artist's life is dirty and they wouldn't want to offend "Mimi, The Magnificent".

The vultures circling above are impatiently waiting for me to leave.  Looking at his dead body I feel no regrets, only an overwhelming aching slightly appeased.  I hope his dangling hands fluttering with the current attract hungry gators.  Extra treat tonight, my friends! Enjoy.

She walked away.  The thud-thud rhythm of her boots on the dock disappearing with her.

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