Tonight Poppy experienced his first not-so-fast food drive thru. This is a neighborhood restaurant and not a McDonald's/Burger King type of place but they still have the huge menu and speaker.
I have to digress here so that you have a more complete picture of the situation. Poppy and I have a very efficient system for when I am the driver and he is the passenger. I place him in the passenger seat and then I get in the driver's seat. We have done this enough that Poppy has learned what "Move over" means. Time is of the essence with Poppy so he doesn't like to waste it and before I have driven 10 feet he has made his way across the car and has at least his head in my lap. In just a quick minute he will have his body in my lap and then he scoots his way up my chest and uses my cleavage as a shelf upon which he sits comfortably. If I am not paying attention, I don't realize what he is doing until his little body is blocking my view of the steering wheel. That sounds dangerous, you say? Well of course it is dangerous! He sticks himself to me as if he is made of Velcro and it takes much coordination on my part to unstick him, place him back in the passenger seat, and keep my eyes on the road. To answer your next question, I know they make doggie harnesses that keep both driver and dog passenger safe. One of these days I'll get one. That is after I have balanced my checkbook and dust.
I roll down my window and place my order. Poppy tries to look out my window to see who is there. Who am I talking to? Since he is a little Chihuahua, that puzzle will remain unsolved.
We turn the corner to drive around to the side of the building and see that another car is ahead of us and waiting for their meal. I push Poppy back into the passenger seat, get my purse, pull out my wallet, and feel pretty relaxed as I count out the exact change and bills. Poppy is quite interested in looking out my window and tries again to crawl up onto my chest. The car is in Park and my left hand is holding the change, my right is holding the bills. I let him sit there until we are able to move up to the window. I gently shove him off of me and once we are in position in front of the window he gently shoves himself back against me.
The restaurant worker slides open the window and just as she repeats the amount I owe Poppy hits the jackpot. A person. A person that is very close to the car! Who said she could be there? With is teeny Chihuahua bark he lets her know he is the mighty and powerful! Luckily the girl finds this as funny as I do as I hand her the money. I place Poppy back in the passenger seat. As I said, this restaurant isn't trying to be fast so we patiently sit in the car. Poppy is wondering what the heck is all of this and why are we here and will the lady return? Soon enough my dinner is passed to me and the car fills up with the smell of food. Poppy's face quickly turns from curiosity to recognition as the food bag passes over him and is placed onto the floor of the passenger side. Ohhhhhhh. So this is why we are here. How magical! When can we eat?