Friday, August 1, 2014

Internet Rant!

I don't usually rant but I have been thinking a lot about how the internet has changed our lives and who we are as people.  Unacceptable behavior used to have consequences because it was person to person IN person.  Now everyone has keyboard courage and being a dick is easily accomplished with a few key strokes.  There is very little personal responsibility because it is so easy to get away with acting like a pile of rubbish stinking up the places you enter.  We have lost empathy and instead have reverted to simple primal behaviors.  Men beating their chests with their fists and women being able to behave badly and not be embarrassed by it because they cannot be seen.  There is damage being done, people.  These aren't victim-less crimes.  I read news stories online and want to rail against the ignorant comments full of judgment from people that think it is part of their entitlement as a human being to criticize others while they stand in their smelly shoes and don't think they stink because they can no longer smell their own rottenness.  Our cores are drying up and turning brown and ugly.  

On a lighter note, I accidentally burped in my dog's face the other night and all he did was sniff the air.  Only dogs would find a rude burp full of interesting information.


  1. One fragrant burp contains more poetry for a dog's olfactory senses than all of the quatrains and couplets in the world!

    1. So true. It was like he was sniffing the bouquet of a newly poured glass of wine.
