Tuesday, August 19, 2014


And when you look up at the stars, what do you see?  Do you see unending galaxies and universes and lives that are lived far far away?  Do you see your destiny?  Do you see that you are a mere speck, a teeny dot on a small planet?

I used to fly to Florida on average 2 times a year.  I miss it, in a way.  It was a luxury.  I could get away from the usual and be free.  Part of what I miss seeing is the earth from above.  Above the clouds.  Above the weather.  Above daily cares.  There is no turbulence at that height.

Life's perspective is different from above.  No streets.  No people.  The first time I watched the beginning of the movie Contact, I held my breath.  At least it felt that way.  I watched myself pulled backward further and further and further away from Earth my perspective changing and my mind forced into continually adjusting.

We are so small and look at the havoc our small selves are able to create. Horrible atrocities are manifested in the name of some god.  Why is it easier to live in fear than walk in love?

I have theories but no answers.

Slow down.  Take the time to drift up.  No matter what life is like now, it won't always be this way be it better, be it worse, or just different.  All you control is what you do now.  When you make peace with that, your perspective changes.


  1. Beautifully said. I read somewhere that if you were to represent the entire observable Universe in the form if the planet Earth, our solar system would be smaller than a single grain of sand on one of its beaches. In one of his books, The Dragons of Eden, Carl Sagan similarly reduced the history of our present Univers from the Big Bang onward into a single calendar year. Human beings didn't appear until late New Year's Eve, and all of recorded history occupied merely the last ten seconds. And what chaos we've managed to work into those fleeting few seconds! Still, from that perspective all of our collective evils produce little more than a tiny mosquito's annoying buzz in the ear of the Cosmos.

    1. Dust in the wind. Thank you for your thoughtful response.
