Sunday, May 9, 2010

All That's Left is the Scheduling Friday, March 12, 2010

My doctor called me this afternoon with the results of Tuesday's biopsy. It wasn't any big suprise that the test came back positive for cancer on the lymph node against my windpipe.

I have been transparent in all of my notes so I'm not going to give in to my inclination to protect my feelings now.

I've never been the type to raise my fist to God and ask, "Why me?" It is a waste of energy and unproductive. I am not angry. I don't feel sorry for myself. I think I am disappointed. Disappointed that there is another hurdle I have to navigate after I have navigated so many already. I am frustrated that I have to find that inner strength again when I think it should be ok to have the opportunity to do some gliding for a little while. Even after a hard winter there is a window of time prior to the overbearing heat of summer in the spring when the weather is perfect.

Enough indulging. I will keep you posted as to when the surgery is scheduled. Stiff upper lip, y'all.

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