The fine needle biopsy is not something I wish to experience again. It was kind of weird walking into the same room I had just been in one week prior except this time there was not only the ultrasound tech but also the pathologist and my doctor. Once again I lay down on the table with a pillow under my shoulders and my head back. The same picture was up on the ceiling except this time it was lit from behind and I could make out the details of the boats, water, and mountain. Let's not forget the waterfall.
I told the doc that when I went to the dentist my experience had been that it takes longer than normal for the novocaine to work and then I end up getting injected with more than necessary.
After the tech found the spot on the right side of my neck using the ultrasound wand, the novocaine was injected, and then the needle. Oh, boy. I was feeling that but when the needle is in I am not supposed to make any noise, swallow, or move. Yes, I was given another dose of novocaine. The doc went in again to try to get a better sample. He gave it to the pathologist and we waited a second time. Then he went in a third time. I was never really fully numbed up. After the third time, he told me he wouldn't go in on that side again. I wouldn't have let him anyway. I had had enough. The result - inconclusive. The cells were not what they were supposed to look like but further testing was needed.
Doc then moved on to the left side of my neck. Once again the tech found the spot and the doc went to work. Again a second dose of novocaine was needed. At least with this side I didn't feel anything but pressure when he went in the second time. The result - cancer.
So, Monday the results of the sample from the right side of my neck should be back. I will then know if surgery will be on one or both sides.
Five years ago when I had my first surgery, it was a relief as I had finally convinced the doctors that something was wrong and forward progress was being made. This time the cicrumstances are different and I am emotional. My goal is to not have this dominate my thoughts. I am not always successful but at least I am trying.
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